Even what happens remotely, influence our lives favorably or adversely. When something happens favorably, Faithful People may believe that all that which has happened in their favor is owing to their Devoted Prayers. When something unfavorable happens adversely, people may attribute that adversity to Acts of God, or as the Outcomes of their past Guilts and Sins. In India, this is commonly referred to as Karma. The word Karma has numerous meanings, not just fate. As on date, everything that happens in this world is not totally under human controls. But whatever is beyond human controls, cannot be attributed to God or Karma. Whatever sometimes appears to be imponderable may even turnout to be ponderable or predictable. Example: Recent shooting at a mosque in New Zealand by a mis-informed European Settler in New Zealand. The Accident to Boing 737 Max8 Crash in Ethiopia, killing about 150 humans.
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