As a Marxist, I am neither a sympathizer of Hon. 2019 PM Narendra Modi nor his bete noir Mr. Rahul Gandhi, the Crown Prince of Nehru Dynasty. While Mr. Narendra Modi seems to have disappointed some of 900 million Indians. At least some voters may think that before he stagnates, "an alternating arrangement of successive Prime Ministers" have to be found, something similar to what the voters of Rajasthan and Kerala States seem to do in choosing their Chief Ministers. If Mr. Modi loses, he gets an opportunity to reexamine his working methods as PM between 2014 and 2019, and come back rejuvenated by 2024. On the other hand, I do not consider that Mr. Rahul Gandhi or Ms. Mavawati or Ms. Mamata Banerjee as his worthy successors. In my view, all of them, and Mr. Narendra Modi belong to the same genre. Real problem with most Indian Prime Ministerial Want-to-be's is they do not study either Capitalist Bourgeoisie Economics or the Socialist Economics. They go on making promises, without really contemplating on whether they are fulfill-able or not. Of course, it is true that Presidents and Star Campaigners of Parties do not have spare time to study Bourgeoisie Economics or Socialist Economics, because all of their time is spent on waving hands, abusing and ashaming their opponents. In England, we have one positive feature in their Politics, it is forming Shadow Cabinets. Shadow Cabinet Ministers with port folios allotted to them, will try to specialise in their portfolios. If they win Elections and join Cabinet, they will be able to perform better, because of the previous rehearsals. I wish that Mr. Rahul Gandhi, Ms. Mayawati, Ms. Mamata Banerjee, and even Mr. Narendra Modi will form Shadow Cabinets, irrespective of whether they are going to win their Elections or not.
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