Examiners in India treat candidates as Godowns or Warehouses. Testing memories of Candidates instead of their Analytical and Decison-making Capabilities, is a bane of Indian Examination System. Testing Memories leads to rote learning. Private Colleges and Coaching Centres make money, while trying to raise the Memory Retention Capabilities of Candidates. Unfortunately, History Text Books in India too have become storehouses of Stuff. This is what Late Telugu Language (spoken by 100 million people across the Globe) poet called :--
Telugu: "yE yuddham eppuDu jarigeno yE rAjyam ennALLundO, tArikhulu dastAvEjulu, ivi kAdOy caritra sAram." English: Which Battle took place when? Which Kingdom lasted for how many years? Dates and Documents! This is not the Essence of History".
Late Shri Shri contd.: Telugu: Ii rANI prEma purANam, Aa muTTaDi kaina kharculu, matalabulU kaifIyatulu, ivi kAdOy caritra kartham! English: Not the love tale of this Queen. Not the amounts spent on that Invasion. These are not the meanings of History.
Some quotes from Late Poet Shri Shri's dESa caritralu (En: Histories of Countries):
Telugu: sAmrAjyapu danDa yAtralO, sAmAnyuni sAhasa meTTidi? English: In the invasions made by the Empire , what was the Courage of the common person?

Telugu: prabhuvekkina pallaki kAdOy, adi mOsina bOyI levvaru? English: The Real Heros were the laborers who carried on their shoulders , the palanquin in which the King moved! (Note: Some Indian kings of yore were reported to have fought wars whlle moving on palanquins".)
Telugu: tAj mahal nirmANaniki rALLettina kUlIlevvaru? English: Who were the laborers, who lifted the stones for the Construction of Taj Mahal?
I undertake English, Hindi, Telugu language Translations. My labor charges: Ind. Rs. 110 per input page. E-mail input files to ybhask at g m a i l dot com. No need to phone.
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