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.2. BOOKS AND AUTHORS - author of LONG WALK TO FREEDOM a) mArTin lUther king b) nelson manDElA c) obAma d) mahatma gAndhi Ans.
3. BOOKS AND AUTHORS - author of the book SUNNY DAYS: a) sachin b) dravid c) gavaskar d) sundeep patil Ans.
4. CURRENT AFFAIRS - HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION OF INDIA CHAIR PERSON 2012: a) swaminathan b) balakrishnan c) kapadia d) katzu Ans.
5. DAYS AND YEARS - HIROSHIMA DAY is observed on a) 6th Aug. b) 6th Sep. c) 6th Oct. d) 6th Nov. Ans.
6. FOREIGN AFFAIRS - LARGEST SELLER OF ARMS TO INDIA: a) U.S.A. b) britain c) france d) israel Ans.
7. INDIAN AGRICULTURE - NOT A CASHEW GROWING STATE: a) A.P. b) Maharashtra c) kErala d) uttar pradesh Ans.
8. INDIAN AWARDS - NOT a GALLANTRY AWARD a) visishTha sEvA medal b) parama vIra cakra c) ashOk cakra d) sarasvati sammAn Ans.
9. INDIAN DEFENCE - SUKHOYS are __planes. a) unmanned b) stealth c) fighter d) reconnoissance. Ans.
10. INDIAN ECONOMICS - BOP deals with a) taxation b) foreign exchange c) growth d) infrastructure Ans.
11. INDIAN ECONOMICS - BUDGET DEFICIT should NOT exceed __% of GDP, as per FRBM Act. a) 2% b) 5% c) 8% d) 10% Ans.
12. INDIAN ECONOMICS - FRBM ACT concerns a) personnel b) budgets c) defence d) telecom Ans.
13. INDIAN ECONOMICS - INSURANCE in INDIA is regulated by a) SEBI b) IRDA c) RBI d) CLB Ans.
14. INDIAN ECONOMICS - SENSEX is managed at a) Ahmedabad Stock Exchange b) Bombay Stock Exchange c) Kolkata Stock Exchange d) National Stock Exchange Ans.
15. INDIAN PLANNING - 11TH PLAN ended in a) 2008-09 b) 2009-10 c) 2010-11 d) 2011-12 Ans.
16. INDIAN SPORTS - ranjI Trophy is associated with a) foot ball b) hockey c) cricket d) tennis Ans.
17. INDIAN SPORTS - SAINA NEHWAL plays a) basket ball b) badminton c) chess d) tennis Ans.
18. PRESIDENT OF INDIA - Mr. Pranab Mukherjee is India's __th President. a) 13th b) 14th c) 15th d) 16th Ans.
19. WELFARE ECONOMICS - IGNOAPS deals with a) prices b) pensions c) poverty d) pollusion Ans.
20. WELFARE ECONOMICS - SWADHAR helps a) child labor b) lonely women c) physically challenged d) hiv children Ans.