Out of EURANZ (Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand), last three represent rampant Colonialisations by European Settlers from the 16th Century CE. After annihilating the Original Occupants of North America, Australia and New Zealand, the European Settlers wanted Slaves to work in their Farms and Factories. Europe during these five Centuries indulged in the most inhuman activity of Slave Trade. Still, short of Labor supply, they started welcoming immigrants from Asia, Latin America, and anybody else whoever was willing to be Undeclared-Slaves. Owing to adverse terms of Trade, EURANZ currencies also called HARD CURRENCIES commanded high price, PURCHASE POWER PARITY THEORY (PPP) lost its place as far as the European Countries were concerned. The EURANZ countries want removal of all Barriers on World Trade, so that they can dump their machine-produced surplus goods on Rest of the World. WTO and WEFs have become tools in their hands to lift all gates on their Exports. The most regrettable Paradox is while they want Free Trade, they do not want "Free Movement of Labor across the World". The European Settlers started claiming that the countries occupied by them annihilating the Aboriginals, American Indians, Maoris, Eskimos and others as their own Native lands.
READ THIS ARTICLE BY MR. AAKAR PATEL in AsianAge.com and Deccanchronicle.com
Click here to go to http://www.asianage.com/opinion/oped/170319/the-coloniser-who-murdered-immigrants.html.
The same Article can be read at: Click here to go to https://www.deccanchronicle.com/opinion/op-ed/170319/the-coloniser-who-murdered-immigrants.html.
The following Quote from the Article is worth meditating upon:
"...All this is why it is so remarkable that the shooter Brenton Tarrant should feel that it is only others who are immigrants and imposing on his culture.
It may interest readers to know that the word Tarrant, which is of British origin, shares the same root as the word “trespasser”, meaning someone who enters without permission, which in Hindi is called “ghuspethiya”. Tarrant says that he does not hate people if they live in their own country, but he had a problem with “invaders who colonise other people’s lands.” However, he also wrote that “the origin of my language is European, my culture is European, my political beliefs are European, my philosophical beliefs are European, my identity is European and, most importantly, my blood is European. ...”
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